Rob Conrad, brother in Christ
founder, / Patmos Ministries
A bit more of my testimony:
A short INTRO to BOTH books:
The Divine Revelation sovereignly given to me when God showed me
the EXACT PROFILE of Antichrist in 1981 is
Proven as 100% pinpoint accurate, and coming to pass TODAY PRECISELY as shown to me and according to the inerrant written Word
of God.
-written, copyrighted Nov 1984
-2nd copyright - 1st made public
Feb 2006
-written, copyrighted Sept '07
-1st published July 2008

Divine Revelation Sovereignly given to me
from the Spirit of God....IN A VISION ('81) :
Up until the 7 days prior to my powerful experience of being born again & baptized in the power of God's Spirit in 1981, I was totally ignorant of the Bible, religion or even the story of the cross of Christ. Literally, no one had ever told me nor had I ever discussed it with anyone, although I had always believed in God. [ ministry background / full personal testimony ]
Then, 7 days after I was powerfully saved & baptized in the fire of the Spirit, the Lord showed me the exact pro- file of this forthcoming man of sin. At that time (in 1981) I had never heard the term "antichrist" nor did I have the knowledge to even ask about such a concept. For the next 36 months, in- depth study of God's Word confirmed what I had seen and heard in the Spirit so that
'Here is Wisdom' was written and copyrighted in 1984 & registered with the U.S. Library of Congress. The Spirit of God's instruction to me then in 1984 (in terms of going public with the book) was to "Wait."
This, I did, for 21 years, having keen understanding of the Lord's intent to explode the book's information global- ly at His exact timing in the future, when He would let me know. During this time I ministered in my calling/gifts.
On November 28, 2005, the Spirit gave clear instruction to me saying "It is time now." to present "Here is Wisdom" in 2006 since the crucial prophetical times of today call for God's Word to come forth and to be handled accurately in these End Times. This is so eyes will be opened worldwide in His final outpouring as foretold in God's Word.
Current FORETOLD world affairs and TODAY'S FORETOLD GLOBAL COMPLEXION have now crystallized the book's shocking content and demand its global attention. 'Here is Wisdom' is an inevitable writing to this generation by the hand of God and to God's glory in this final and most crucial time in world history just before the return of Christ. I take NO credit for this writing in any way since I am only a servant of the Lord Jesus who saved me and sovereignly chose to lead me in this direction.
'Here is Wisdom' was copyrighted a 2nd time in February 2006 with updated Headline News which overwhelmingly show today's readiness RIGHT NOW for ALL FORETOLD BIBLE PROPHECIES to be fulfilled quickly.
Obeying the Spirit's instruction, the book was made public first through this website since Feb 1, 2006. [*The site itself had opened almost a year earlier on April 1, 2005 ]. As of February 26, 2007, 'Here is Wisdom' was also made downloadable and distributed globally through's 35 - 40 Ebook site(s). It is able to be read
here at at NO CHARGE ever since being made public first at this site in Feb 1, 2006.
A second book, 'Two Beasts Rising', was also written and made public in July 2008 which elaborates in even greater detail the CURRENT spring-loaded prophecies about to come to pass RIGHT NOW. Again, Headline News/photos undeni- ably match the scriptures in the Non-Fiction copyrighted writing.
Prophetically in these End Times....
The topic of Antichrist has been written about for centuries by hundreds of writers right up to today's Bible scholars and popular prophecy authors.
However, no book has ever been written, until now, which has all of the major dynamics of 'Here is Wisdom.' AND 'Two Beasts Rising' .
Namely: Accurate handling of God's Word in profiling Antichrist, being written in the actual End Times, Identifying him virtually on the world's End Time stage NOW, and having Hundreds of Headline News showing him IN PROCESS NOW of readying to fulfill his ultimate role as Antichrist.
THESE TWO BOOKS stand all alone in their inevitable End Time status and coming global impact. All of this is to God's glory and in precise line with His ultimate purpose to open eyes and to draw all thirsting lost souls to the Lord Jesus Christ in the coming Final Move of God upon this earth before His coming judgements and the wrath of God.
God's Spirit is already moving upon His anointed Word from and these writings to reveal the truth with jolting clarity to His people about this forthcoming man of sin and his presence TODAY. No longer will believers or ministers push this topic to the side as evidenced today in the rare mentioning of the topic amongst 99% of today's preachers and Bible scholars as if it were a secon- dary aspect of God's Word.
'Here is Wisdom' and 'Two Beasts Rising' will open the eyes of multitudes worldwide of both God's people and un- believers to "see" that the predictions of John the Reve- lator and the prophet Daniel, are right in front of us, right now.

Although over an 8 billion populace sits blindly to ANTICHRIST's true IDENTITY and of his TANGIBLE presence today, most believers from ROME's 3rd CENTURY INVENTING of the 'BISHOP of ROME' (Urban the 1ST, 222 A.D.) through the mid-1800's WERE KEENLY AWARE of the POPE as 'ANTICHRIST'. Great pillars of the faith also IDENTIFIED the profile of ANTICHRIST (PAPACY) EXACTLY as shown in these 2 books and at, including :
John Calvin, Martin Luther, Sir Isaac Newton, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, J. A. Wylie, John Knox, John Wesley, Rev. Roger Williams, D.L. Moody, Smith Wigglesworth, Charles H. Spurgeon and many others. This is elaborated on and made crystal clear in both 'Here is Wisdom.' and 'Two Beasts Rising' in Chapters 2, 3 & 4. These two writings will bring this generation quickly into a sharp RE-focusing of Revelation's true profile of ANTICHRIST the way that John the Revelator himself virtually described and also understood it to be, as he recorded in his Revelation writing itself.

In 1981 the Lord saved me. Then, 7 days later He sovereignly chose to show me Antichrist. What I saw with my eyes open and the audible voice I heard (in April 1981) is as real to me today as if it happened 30 seconds ago. All coming to pass right now 100% to the "T", according to God's Word. ~Rob Conrad
Literally, No Other Books Exist like these 2 inevitable books as explained below. This also makes the only-site-of- its-kind in the world having accurately identified Antichrist on the world stage right now. Today, ALL other Bible prophecy authors and 'experts' are still UNANIMOUSLY publicly pon- dering about 'who?' the '2 men coming' are, a huge error made in 'The Late Great Planet Earth' 54+ years ago in 1970.
In fact, the Bible shows only 1 man coming, not "2".
*Historic Documentation of the above Pillars of the Faith and of Reformers who believed "the Papacy is the ANTICHRIST of the Bible" >>
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) is well known in history because of his scientific research, especially in connection with the laws of gravitation. He was a writer, mathematician, philosopher, and also a student of Bible prophecy. His writings on prophecy - from a study of 42 years - entitled 'Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John' was published six years after his death. Newton linked the little horn of Daniel 7 with the Papacy, rising among the ten kingdoms into which the Roman empire fell. "But it [the PAPACY] was a kingdom of a different kind from the other ten kingdoms... By its eyes it was a Seer; and by its mouth speaking great things and changing times and laws, it was a Prophet as well as a King. And such a Seer, a Prophet and a King, is the church of Rome. A Seer... is a Bishop in the literal sense of the word; and this Church [PAPACY] claims the universal Bishopric. With his mouth he [PAPACY of Rome] gives laws to kings and nations as an Oracle; and pretends to Infallibility, and that his dictates are binding to the whole world; which is to be a Prophet in the highest degree." (Newton, 'Observations on the Prophecies', p.75).
*Excerpt from ABOVE *Historic Documentation:
Distributed /
Download- able w/ KINDLE READER @
JAN 20, 2013 : Video / 4:48 Min
666 "guessing-game" ENDS HERE [ 666 ID'd ] The Final word on history's most controversial number ~
Feb 11, 2013 / Exclusive VIDEO
[ Benedict XVI Retiring / News Feb 11, 2013 ]
100% PROOF Pope Francis
is ANTICHRIST [ 2:28 ]
[ Crucial Video ID's the PAPACY of Rome (& every elected Pope) as ANTICHRIST ] March 14, 2013
March 12, 2013 / Exclusive VIDEO
FALSE PROPHET of Revelation
[ POPES of Rome ID'd as 'ANTICHRIST' and
1-and-the-SAME man as False Prophet ]

Importantly: Many Christians with whom I have shared and taught these truths from God's Word about Antichrist back in the mid-1980's and in ministering in the 90's, are themselves carrying this knowledge. This includes my family members who I had distributed the original hard-copy of 'Here is Wisdom' to when it was originally finished in November of 1984. All of these believers also are keenly aware of all these facts of my own testimony regarding the 1981 VISION sovereignly given to me by the LORD which identifies the POPES of ROME as 'ANTICHRIST'.
Then, in making these writings readily available worldwide from this site since Feb 1, 2006 and at Amazon's sites, the Spirit of God is NOW moving powerfully with multiplied thousands of visitors to weekly from all over the world who are also gaining these crucial eye-opening End Time insights. This is all right on time prophetically in God's divine timing in these End Times. Although in its beginning stages now, this fast-paced momentum of awareness about ANTICHRIST and imminent events as identified from and its published writings will soon erupt in an explosive GLOBAL awareness of Antichrist's true profile and current presence in the world. This will result in an awesome GLOBAL TURBULENCE in the nearing 'start' of the Tribulation as I have written about thoroughly and as specifically foretold in God 's Word for today's End Times. ~ Rob Conrad

Dec 12, 2013 :
The Day the Lord showed me ANTICHRIST
---- coming to pass 100% Today
Pinpoints Pope of Rome as ANTICHRIST
[ this page created FEB 2006 ]
*various links/VIDS added