<---------- 7 Year Tribulation ---------->
1000 year Millennium Reign of Christ on earth
"The coming FINAL MOVE of GOD"
[ Video / Heisnear.com ]
IMMINENT in this generation
Antichrist's signing of a 7 Year Agreement with ISRAEL for
Mideast Peace

Major Prophecies Occurring NOW:
Also TODAY: Birth Pangs will increase - intensify globally
Major Prophecies NEXT to Occur:
[ all to occur BEFORE the Mid - 7 Year point ]
[White Horse] :: Imminent "Start" of the Final 7 Year Tribulation with Antichrist's 'signing' of a 7 Year Agreement w/ Israel - In Plain View Today
[Ezekiel 38] Seeing the great kaos and bloodshed in the Mideast region, then Russia w/ Iran, Libya, Turkey & other Muslim-Arab nations will converge upon mountains of Israel; Israel will destroy them all; a 'fourth of the earth" will die within the first weeks-months after the Tribulation 'starts' [ rightly named as W W 3 ]
ISRAEL, unhindered since her prime enemies are now gone (Russia, Iran, Libya, Turkey & other Muslim-Arab foes) will immediately begin building its Third Temple within weeks-months after the 'start' of Tribulation
Immediately, another "third of mankind" will die in the same region of the Mideast - Eastern Asia - N. Africa from toxic air and plagues upon remaining Arab-Muslim enemies and haters of Israel
Rapture of the body of Christ, who are ready & upright
[ *LINKS show Headlines which match-confirm Prophecies as ready now for fulfillment ]
Key Partners of Patmos Ministries: Atlanta, Georgia / California / Montana
[ 2 min Video / Heisnear.com ]
Return of Christ Battle of Armaggedon