Above LINK shows News/Videos of persons being Arrested - Persecuted IN AMERICA for Praying, Preaching or mentioning the name of "Jesus" ~
Persecutions of Believers in Jesus: Occurring in America
California Court Overturns ban on gay marriage as unconstitutional; Rule for gay marriages, again
Top Bible Translators (Wycliffe) removing 'Father' & 'Son of God' from Bible - for more "Muslim-friendly" version > >
"It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible."
[ prophecies coming to pass RE: America > ]
New York becomes 6th state to legalize Gay Mar- riages (Signed into law on Friday, June 24, 2011) > >
JUNE 25th Prophecy ID's New York city & state for Judgement;
50 days later > New York slammed with record RAINS and Floods; 10 days after that, slammed by Hurricane Irene [Aug 28], then [Oct 2011] worst snowstorm "in 200 years". [News / full scope / prophecy > ]
Presidential Election
of Nov 4, 2008
Former Ambassador John Bolton: "Obama is worst President for Israel ....ever"
Obama selects Gay Minister Gene Robinson for
Presidential Inauguration Event to confirm Obama's "We are one" premise
Pres Reagan's
fell on
Supreme Court Decision now gives POLICE the authority to enter & search your homes without a search warrant [ VS. 4th Amendment: 'unlawful searches' ]
Lawsuit claims TBN founders illegally used $50 MIL for own personal luxuries; says fired former TBN Finance Chief [ More: Feb 24, 2012 / News ]
In 2012 more 'tables will be turned over' in America of self- serving Ministries & money-changers in the house of God. [Jan 21, 2012 prophetic word]
America taking
Jesus out of the
God's response to N.Y.'s Legalizing
gay marriages on
June 24th ?
On May 15, 2008: California's original Le- galizing of gay marriages took place.
God's response? Not even 6 weeks later 8000 lightning bolts struck San Francisco & surrounding areas resulting in worse fires in California history News / full scope
100% PROOF
of Christ's Nearness
[ 2min VID / Heisnear.com ]
A N T I C H R I S T -- photo ID'd - seated in Jewish Temple
[ 2min VID / Heisnear.com ]
False Prophet &
[ 6min VID / Heisnear.com ]
Sir Isaac Newton ID'd ANTICHRIST
[ 1min VID / Heisnear.com ]
'Abomination of Desolation' Public Synagogue Rehear- sals -- In Plain View
[ 3:30 VID / Heisnear.com ]
DIVINE Forewarning to ISRAEL in today's End Times
[ 4:13 VID / Heisnear.com ]
ISRAEL "Dissolving" Muslim DOME of Rock
[ 2:53 VID / Heisnear.com ]
Top False Prophecy to America by TV Preachers
[ 5:19 VID / Heisnear.com ]
Washington becomes 7th state to legalize same- sex gay marriage - Governor signs into law
Obama: "America is no longer a Christian nation...."
Obama Administration pushing U.S. Supreme Court to rule over Church-State issues, against U.S. Constitution
AGAIN? Calif. Mega-Church Pastor Rick Warren: "Christians and Muslims worship same God"
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils...
Obama's former Pastor endorses anti-ISRAEL &
anti-Jew global protest March 30 in Jerusalem
Jeremiah Wright:
racist, anti-America, anti-Israel Pastor
Obama signs Bill that potentially Ends Free Speech in America, making it a Federal Crime
Obama Bypasses Congress, Gives $1.5 Billion to
Terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood
Obama & U.S. State Dept officially refuse to identify Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
Obama "has a deceitful spirit". With Obama as President, America as a nation & 'kingdom' would incur great calamity and quick & critical setbacks."
"IF ELECTED, Obama is the single greatest 'internal' threat to the United States of America ...."
PRAY for the Peace of Jerusalem ~
(Psalms 122:6)
But, JESUS said:
"IF you abide in My word, THEN you are truly My disciple." [ Gospel John 8:31 ]
"The disciples were first called Christians"
[ Acts 11:26 ]
Obama State DEPT set to GIVE AWAY OIL-RICH Alaskan Islands to RUSSIA containing billions of
barrels of OIL
ObamaCare Requires RFID CHIP Implanted in Every American by March 2013
Prophetic Word :
55 days before Obama's
2008 election coming to pass:
Obama Admin: 'The War on Terror is Over' --
[ Islamism now a Friend --Obama ]
OBAMA Announces his Support for Gay Mar- riage --- 1st President ever ( "I'm a Christian...." ? )
May 9, 2012 : "Obama is no 'Christian' as he claims, FAILING the Bible's criteria profiling God's true born again children. [ 1 ]
Obama's actions disprove his 'Christian' status. ( IE. favors abortion, favors same-sex marriage (May 9, 2012 ), is anti-Israel, favors/supports Muslim terror- ists, deceives Americans & mocks the Constitution, drinks, smokes, parties with the ungodly/atheists, guts the economy which harms people's lives while deceitfully claiming success, etc...)
"See to it that NO ONE misleads you" was Jesus' instruction to His true disciples. (Matt 24:4). Paul's instruction was as pointed, "Avoid every so-called brother" (1Cor 5:11) who leads an unruly life & contrary to the teaching of God's Word. (2Thess 3:6)
True discernment identifies Obama is a mocker of true Christianity and opposer of Christ, being a 'so-called brother' as Paul warned. (1Cor 5:11).
God is calling His people in America to be 'trained to discern good & evil" (Heb 5:14) & NOT be naive but "Judge with righteous judgment' as the Lord instructed His true followers (John 7:24), meaning sharp discernment while maintaining a pure heart of humility & love towards others. Naive ministers & believers are ones who still hold to the UnBiblical notion that "Christians just shouldn't judge."
To the contrary, true born again believers are to be the ones with the most SOLID judgments & discernments in their daily lives, having been given 'sound judgment' from God (2Tim 1:7). WHY? In order to NOT be 'misled' (Matt 24:4) or fooled any longer by those who twist the scriptures, and then hold themselves up as God's people. Jesus made countless right judgmental statements but always in humility and love, not with condemnation. God's people & prophets will do the same, by 'speaking the truth in love'. (Ephesians 4:15)
Besides, history proves many evil men/women have claimed to be 'Christian'. Scriptures are clear: Even demons believe. (James 2:19). "
"Not everyone who says to Me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven. But he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven". ( Jesus / Matt 7:21 )
Rob Conrad, founder, Heisnear.com/ Patmos Ministries

May 9, 2012
OBAMA Re- declared "I'm a Christian..." (on same day he now "supports same-sex marriage") and shows he's betting that on ELECTION DAY in Nov 2012 naive Americans will ultimately choose a "Christian" over a Mormon as Romney. But, God has not obligated Himself to hear NOR answer either one of these men's prayers: 1 being part of a Mormon satanic cult and the other being a 'Christian' impostor.
Rob Conrad
May 9, 2012
[ Prophetic word / Jan 21, 2012 ]
Principal Bans song "God Bless the USA" from
Grad Ceremony -- the song "offends" others
The Supreme Court Rules, Upholds ObamaCare : the Largest Tax Increase in the History of the World ( "We were all deceived..." / Rush L. )
2013, 2014, 2015 FOREWARNINGS
Pres. Candidate Romney to Endorse Two-State Solution at Republican Convention: Palestinians and ISRAEL Together
1st Time in U.S. History: Obama uses White House to BREW his own BEER recipe, & promote it
ISRAELI Lawmaker: Obama is no friend of Israel
Obama defeats Romney, Wins 2nd President Term
Oct 24, 2012 / VIDEO
100% PROOF Obama Re- Election Matches spirit of ANTICHRIST
Nov 7, 2012 /
1 day after Pres Election
"WORSE" Judgments com- ing to U.S. Govt Leaders & America ( Which Leaders, cities, states & 'WHY?' are ID'd )
12 days before Nov 6th Pres Election
Texas Leads way with 50 other States to SECEDE from the United States
OBAMA Admin sends 20 U.S. F16 fighter jets to
MUSLIM Brotherhood in Egypt
OBAMA to Release Legal Rationale for killing US citizens with drones
PENTAGON Plans to Court Martial U.S. Soldiers who share their Christian Faith
Radical UPRISING 2014 :
USA's coming 'NATION with-
in a nation' / Dec 24, 2013
Rare 2015 "SIGN" --
points to 7 YR Trib & WW3
Feb 6, 2013 / VIDEO (5:50)
OBAMA Admin Admits Killing 4 U.S. Citizens
PRES OBAMA : USA's #1 Financier & Supporter
of Islamist Terrorists Worldwide [ in Egypt, Syria, USA, etc ]
IRS AGENTS Training with Assault Rifles [AR-15s]
---- as eye-witnessed by Republican Rep. > >
Welcome to
End Time America
'OBAMA SECRET PLAN' Forfeits Jerusalem Temple Mount to MUSLIMS
OBAMA Hires known MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD RADICAL as Homeland Security Advisor (Plus
5 other Islamists as PAID White House staff)
( 2 ) Former Repub. National Security Official Frank Gaffney documents details of OBAMA ISLAMIST GOVT HIREES
U.S. GOVT fiasco & 16 day GOVT SHUTDOWN
...... just cost Americans ANOTHER $24 BILLION
Crucial End Time Headlines NOT AIRED at FOX, CNN, MSNBC
ISRAEL officials dismayed-angry at OBAMA's con-
tinued LEAKS of ISRAEL's Military Info to Hezbollah terrorists
Sundays 10AM (et)
'LIVE' Broadcasts
End Time Prophecies w/ jolting clarity
OBAMA makes deal with IRAN allowing IRAN's
continued NUCLEAR BOMB efforts, threatening
Nov 26, 2013 / GENEVA "IRAN Deal" & World Leaders a 100% MATCH to End Time Prophecies --- In Plain View
OBAMA Admin releases another $550 MIL to
IRAN just days after IRAN announces new
weapons & ballistic missiles being made (total
of $4.2 BIL to be released to IRAN by Obama
over next several months)
OBAMA Admin plans to RELENQUISH control of
INTERNET Oversight for its "Global" future
( current Internet CEO Fadi Chehade, Muslim BIO > )
DHS buys ARMORED MILI - TARY Trucks for "home- land security" (PIC below)
OBAMA to Fund New Terrorist Hamas-Palestin- ian Unity GOVT
Obama, Saudi King Abdullah
2009 / Obama, Saudi Arabia
RUSSIA's bombers penetrated U.S. air-space at
least 16 times in past 10 days
March 11, 2013 / Forbes News
MILLION + Terrorists within USA, "ready" / Sept 28, 2014
35 MUSLIM Terrorist Train- ing Camps in USA, FULLY OPERATIONAL ( FoxNews)
ALL Heisnear.com Prophetic VIDEOS >
Outrageous: OBAMA Sends Special Note of Thanks to Oklahoma Beheader's Terror Mosque
2015 - 2016 : OBAMA UNLEASHED, Darker Days for America
Nov 7, 2014 prophetic word
for 2015 - 2016 "will quickly come to pass ....". Rob C.
ie. Nov 20, 2014 / News Obama unilaterally signs into law amnesty for 5 million illegals, against Constitution