Prophetically, part of the end time scenario just before Christ's return includes the increase of both false Christs & false prophets.
Of the last generation Jesus Himself foretold:
"For false Christs & false prophets will arise & will show great signs & wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance." (Math.24: 24, 25).
Right now this scenario exists all around us,
even within the body of Christ. These 2 pro- files are similar. They both are "leader" types & both are "false". They also both "mislead" people away from God & the Lord Jesus Christ.
False Christs....
The word "Christ" means "anointed one" in Greek. False Christs may or may not be known for their "religion". That can be very much secondary. Most notably, a false Christ will profess some special revelation or message (religious or not) that directs people away from the Lord Jesus Christ as their prime focus.
Many of today's secular & new age speak- ers fit into this profile. Their message is that the the ultimate controller & ultimate being that we should answer to is ourself. And that every person's ultimate dependency should rest upon himself. Of course, this kind of misleading philosophy exlcudes the need for the cross & the Savior, Christ Jesus.
False Prophets...
False prophets are more recognized for their
"religious" image & platform than a false Christ. A prophet is a true man of God. But a "false" prophet is a "false" man of God. He is a religious impostor who wears the dis- guise of being a "man of God".
But, both he & his message oppose the Word of God (the Bible) & the Lord Jesus Christ. This makes him "false", from GOD's perspec- tive.
However, many false prophets speak favorably of Christ. So, from the believer's view, this can require close examination & sharp DISCERN-MENT to spot the deception.
Today, we see various false prophets who represent various religions who are mislead- ing thousands, even millions worldwide. The Dali Lama, Osama Bin Laden, Joseph Smith (Mormonism), David Koresh, Jim Jones, Rev. Moon & Sheik Nasrallah, to name a few.
False prophets in the body of Christ
To Christians, the most alarming part of the Lord's prophecy is that potentially "even the elect" (God's own people) could also be "misled". Today, false prophets within the
body of Christ are masterful & sophisticated in their Christian appearance and mimickry.
It will take sharp discernment in these Last Days for believers to decipher the true man of God from the false one within the church.
Scriptures show that these false ministers within the body of Christ "Are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ, & no wonder, for even satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore, it is not surprising if his (satan''s) servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness...". (2 Cor.11:13-15).
The Final End Time False Prophet :
The epitome of the evil deception that is shap- ing up right now in this generation can be recognized in the Bible's profiling of the False Prophet of the End Times. (Rev.13:11; Rev.16:13; Rev. 20:10).
He will be the ultimate religious deception in all
of world history. His influence & impact will be worldwide in scope under his religious facade. Scriptures are clear that His End Time presence in the world's scenery will be, initially, welcomed and friendly in appearance to an unsuspecting world who reverences him. (Rev 6: 1, 2). The End Time
False Prophet "will look like a lamb, but he speaks as a dragon." [Rev.13:11]
Tony Robbins
[motivational speaker]
Psychic-Medium Sylvia Browne
James Van Praagh
spiritual medium
Self-proclaimed witch; Salem,MA. / Laurie Cabot
The Bible prophecy of false prophets arising in the
End Times exists today and will increase in the days ahead...
Church President, confessed serial BTK killer / News 2005
Church Pastor shocked to discover President of his church is BTK serial killer/ News 2005
Dennis Rader,
professed Christian; confessed BTK serial killer
Ted Haggard / Pres. of 30 million Evangelicals
Admitted homosexuality
Cardinal Bernard Law:
resigned after covering up
for pedophile Catholic priests
Rev. Jeremiah Wright /
arrogant racist, fails the
Biblical reqmts for a true
Rev. Al Sharpton /
arrogant racist,
fails the Biblical
reqmts for a true
man of God
Kim Clement / false prophet amongst Evangelicals /
[countless false prophecies / self-exalting huckster]
Bob Jones / false prophet amongst Evangelicals / deceitful spirit with count- less false prophecies / confirmed as molesting women / mentor of Todd Bentley
Todd Bentley / false prophet w / deceitful spirit / exalts Bob Jones as his mentor / entertains demonic activity
Chuck Pierce /
false prophet / peddles ear- tickling, generic and self-serving messages which are mostly irrela- vent prophetically / endorses Todd Bentley / surrounds himself with other popular self-appoint- ed false prophets
Prophetical Meat for the body of Christ / equipping saints
What the Bible says about:
Rick Joyner / false prophet tied to Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Chuck Pierce & Todd Bentley
Dr. Mike Murdock / false prophet / fleec- ing God's people to 'sow your money' to gain God's glories
What does the Pope believe about himself ?
POPE FRANCIS on his throne
What did ALL of these powerhouse men of God believe about the Papacy of Rome? John Wesley, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Finney, Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, Rev. Roger Williams, Moody, Fox , William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, King James ....
'The anger of the Lord will not turn back, Until He has performed and carried out the purposes of His heart; In the last days you will clearly understand it. I did not send these prophets, But they ran. I did not speak to them, But they prophesied. But if they had stood in My council, Then they would have announced My words to My people, And would have turned them back from their evil way, And from the evil of their deeds.' [ foretold by Jeremiah the prophet / Jer. 23:20-22 ]
Copyright / HereisWisdom/1984,2006
Barack Obama / deceitful spirit / Christian impostor; bases his Christianity on church membership with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, known racist / PIC 2006: Obama in Muslim turbin & robe honoring his childhood Muslim roots - News /
ArchBishop Veron Ashe / false prophet
associated w/
Apostles group
Obama selects Gay Minister Gene Robinson [above] for Inaug-uration Events to confirm Obama's 'We are One' premise / News / Jan 2009
Popular False Teachers Today:
Benny Hinn
Greatly anointed Evangelist in the beginning 1970's, who has now become a false teacher with countless false prophecies & false teachings, and misleads the body of Christ.
Jesse DuPlantis
Maybe the most popular 'ear-tickler' on America's TV Christian airwaves;
Makes a total mockery of true Christlikeness with his non-stop worldliness and goofing-off conduct, with arrogance and unbecoming speech and conduct which FAIL the true 'love' of Christ. (1Corin
13:1-8); is a prime 'prosperity' preach- er who publicly brags about his money and wealth.
John Hagee
A gifted teacher who has now become a false teacher in line with Jack Van Impe's and Hal Lindsey's false teachings on many crucial End Time topics which mislead millions of souls worldwide. Hagee's unChrist- like arrogance and cocky, condemning attitude and tone fail miserably the true humility and 'Love' of Christ.
*Other false teachers who MISLEAD are: Ed Hindson, Chuck Missler, Perry Stone, David R. Reagan, Hal Lindsey, >>>
Popular False Teachers Today:
Mike Bickle (International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO)
False teacher who teaches that the body of Christ will go through the Great Tribulation
& then Raptured afterward. >>>
Dr. Irvin Baxter
False Bible Prophecy teacher misleading God's people on TBN airwaves with twisted Views & speculations on crucial prophecies in today's End Times.
Jack Van Impe
Formerly a good Bible teacher who has now become a false Bible Prophecy teacher with twisted Views on MANY crucial End Time prophecies; misleads millions to "watch for 2 men coming", even implying Obama is Antichrist; also teaches for 50 years and STILL today saying the "Rapture could happen at any moment !" -- a false teaching.
teachings are: 666, mark of the beast, Antichrist's identity, 2 men coming, the false prophet, etc etc.
[ How can today's Ministers be so right, yet so wrong at the same time ?? ]
Jesus repeatedly warned His followers saying, "See to it that no one misleads you!" (Matthew 24:4). But, since believers in America HAVE NOT looked at the Bible's Bulls-Eye profile of God's True Ministers, then how can a believer be confident of ANY TV Preacher's status? Or, even a believer's own Church Pastor's status? Or, "who's who?" standing at the pulpit? He can't.
"See to it that NO ONE misleads you!" --the Lord Jesus
Happening TODAY in America exactly as foretold
of the body of Christ in today's End Times:
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths." [ 2Timothy 4:3.4 ]
*This page created in Oct 2008; the bottom columns of 'False Teachers' created-added in Aug 2010; It is possible to 'start' out right with God, but 'finish' terribly wrong. Scriptures confirm this over and over. Until the above current Ministers truly repent, then they prove themselves to remain in these categories of 'False Teachers' and 'False Prophets'.
"Satan will raise Antichrist from the dead." --Hal Lindsey has been teaching-writing this false belief since his 1970's book: "The Late Great Planet Earth"
"After Jesus died on the cross, then during those 3 days He was buried, the Holy Spirit could have decided NOT to raise Him from the dead." --Benny Hinn / TBN / Aug 2010
I N C R E D U L O U S B E L I E F S :
John Francis /
false prophet
from England
John Ramirez /
Self- proclaimed devil- worshiper in New York; now promotes himself and his book within the
the body of Christ / A mirror image of Simon the sorcerer who 'be- lieved' in Jesus while remaining in darkness. (Acts 8:13,19)
Lance Walnau /
Cocky self-sent false prophet with twisted, secular ideas
which mislead
the body of Christ
But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I [God] will require from the watchman's hand.
[ Ezekiel 33:6 ]
The True Watchman: 'sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people' . [ Ezek. 33:3 ]
Steve Munsey / unrepentant false prophet in the body of Christ / fleecing God's flock to pay off his "$14 Million Church building" (TBN / Nov 1, 2010) / countless false prophecies / his arrogance, cockiness fail true Christlikeness altogether. News
Steve Gray / Popular huckster, false teacher promoted by DayStar TV; brings an extreme reproach upon the Lord with his off-the-charts arrogance, condemning attitude, worldliness and unbecoming speech & behavior which fail the traits of Christ's "love" (1Cor 13) . Gray's unChristlike behavior & fake demon- strations of "God's power" fool many.
"See to it that no one misleads you." (Jesus / Matt 24:4)
"Keep your eye on those who cause dissensions & hindrances (Greek = "occasions of stumbling") con- trary to the teaching, and turn away from them." (Apostle Paul / Romans 16:17)
Jonathan Welton
Huckster w/ evil spirits who disguises himself as a Christian minister within the body of Christ; promoted on Sid Roth TV in October 2011.
"Have your senses trained to discern good and evil." [Hebrews 5:14]
Timothy Dolan / New York /
Phoney Religious
Leader of Rome's
Sept 30, 2012 / VIDEO ^
2 Chronicles 7:14 :
Top False Prophecy to America by TV Preachers
(by Heisnear.com Founder Rob Conrad)
Todd Coontz:
Cocky, self-exalting false prophet who fleeces the body of Christ; Mike Murdock knock-off.
Arnold Murray Dennis Murray [son]
Shepherd's Chapel TV / False Teachers who
completely decimate many truths of God's Word, particularly deeper topics of the Spirit; they mock
& laugh at Bible doctrines like tongues, Rapture
of the church and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Joel Osteen : delivers watered- down elementary sermons pep- pered w/ jokes & cute stories about himself & his experiences which tickle ears & lead his fans into the same naivity and timidity as himself. (Heb 6:1,2)
Mark Chirrona :
self-exalting false prophet with only short-sighted, gen- eric prophecies which tickle ears but leave out any link to the major prophecies lined up today which Jesus told
His followers to "see". (Matt 24:33); has no possible clue to what God is doing in USA or globally.
Kunneman :
false prophet who wants so desperately to be recognized as a true prophet that he constantly re- minds his audi- ence that he's a 'prophet'; talks more about him- self since he's blind to what God is truly doing in USA & globally.
TRINITY Broadcasting
TV Network : Used to
spread the Gospel in the 1980's but from the 90's has thrown out the true Gospel & prophets & re- duced TBN to the world's #1 ear-tickling Lukewarm Religious TV network.
Bishop Clarence McClendon :
cocky, self-sent false prophet; is heavily promoted by TBN; deli- vers a "prosperity now" mes- sage with only ear-tickling and self-serving prophecies . Pure re- ligious folly while fleecing God's people.
---According to Jesus
April 2013 / VIDEO
Evil-spirited teacher in the house of God fooling millions "for many days" & promoted by DayStar TV.
For Ministers & believers
False Prophets [ of TBN, DayStar TV ] VS. God's True Prophets >
Feb 18, 2014 / VIDEO :
Ken Copeland entrusts him- self & the body of Christ to "UNITY" with Pope Francis
"My dear sir, thank you so, from the bottom of our hearts ......"
Feb 25, 2014 : prophetic word /
"No true born again believer who knows his/her own Bible has ANY part whatso- ever with the POPE of Rome. NONE." ~rob conrad
Pope Francis in favor of Pope's deceptive & FALSE global beck- oning for "all persons to UNITE" under his PAPAL helm. (VIDEO)
Paul Begley
Walid Shoebat
Perry Stone
Anita Fuentes
Lisa Haven
Renee M
Lyn Leahz
Tom Horn
Rita Williams
Steven BenDenoon
Lisa Dennis Sparks
Hal Lindsey
Tim LaHaye
Mark Hitchcock
Irvin Baxter
Scott Clarke
[ EternalRythmFlow ]
Chuck Missler
Jack Van Impe
Jimmy Swaggart
Joel Richardson
Joel Rosenberg
Johnny Enlow
Jonathan Cahn
Joseph Prince
Sid Roth
Marcus Lamb
Bill Salus
Bill Cloud
Gary Stearman
Calvary Chapel Pastors
Hagman & Hagman
Now the End Has Begun
Believers Central 1
Prophecy Watchers
Seho Song
BP Earth
Doug Batchelor [ 7th Day
Adventist Leader; Now
being promoted by
Network / June 2015 &
'LIVE' Heisnear.com Global Broadcast
FALSE BIBLE TEACHERS on the INTERNET & YouTube with WEBSITES & VIDEO channels which promote propaganda under their self-label
of "Bible Prophecy" ministries while mis- leading thousands, millions worldwide :
Brian Carn: total huckster fleecing the naive body of Christ. "The Lord told me to tell you to give me all your money & then in 7 days you will become a millionaire." [ TBN / Feb 24, 2015 / Benny Hinn's program ]
Ear-tickling self-exalting False Prophet
CLICK PIC : 2021 Prophetic Word RE: False Ministers