“For then there will be a great tribulation, such has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall….” . (Math.24: 21).
The last 3 ½ years… (from Rev. 13: 1 - Rev. 20:3)
The first 3 ½ years of the 7 year tribulation will be the most horrendous period in world history that any generation will have ever experienced. But, the last 3 ½ years of great tribulation will be even worse, the worst period ever. It is also called the “wrath of God”. (Rev.16:1).
The “start” of the final 3½ years is launched at the exact mid-7 year point when the false prophet enters the newly-built Jerusalem temple & proclaims himself as being God (2 Thess.2:4). Scriptures define this as the abomination of desolation. (Math..24:15-21). The temple is shown in Rev.11: 1, 2 as having already been built in the first 3 ½ years because it “has been given to the nations, & they will tread under foot the holy city (Jerusalem) for 42 months (the last 3 ½ years). ” (Rev.11: 1, 2).
Chronology of the great tribulation…
The sequential chapters from Rev. 13:1 through Rev. 20:3 portray the progres- sive & awesome events of the great tribulation nightmare that ensue after the false prophet has “taken his seat in the temple” (2 Thess.2: 4) :
* “the whole earth will be amazed” at the unbelievable world power which the Euro-kingdom will have swiftly become over the first 3 ½ years of the tribula- tion. Its body “like a leopard” (Rev.13:2) shows swift development into its massive & controlling governmental system.
* The overwhelming world authority of the European governmental “beast”, which has “power, a throne & great authority” (Rev.13: 2), will cause the world’s people to “follow after the beast” & “will worship the beast” (EU). (Rev.13: 3, 4).
* The Euro-kingdom “beast“, a revived old Roman Empire, will totally over- shadow all of the atrocities carried out by the Roman Empire under Caesar Nero. “Having feet like a bear” (Rev.13:2), the EU will stomp over & rip apart all peoples & nations in its path.
* The EU political leaders will “blaspheme God & His name” (Rev.13:6) & will use its military power (likely, the United Nations’ military too) to “make war with the saints, & overcome them”. (Rev.13: 7). Just like the Roman Empire of old, the EU will make the world its own slaughter-house of Christians, Jews & all who oppose its End Time authority.
* The EU will have control over all of the earth’s people. (Rev.13: 7, 8). Its far-reaching geo-political tentacles & the religious hierarchy (from Rome) that al- ready stretch throughout many countries of the world today will easily tighten its death-grip on “every tribe & people & tongue & nation”. (Rev.13:7).
* the false prophet will command the human race to “worship” the Euro-kingdom’s ruling government & its authorities. (Rev.13: 12). At this point, the modern-day Caesar & his revived Roman Empire will be as one destroying unit. From the Jerusalem temple where he “sits“, the false prophet will still “exercise all the authority of the 1st beast” (EU) during the entire last 3 ½ year period. (Rev.13:12).
* the false prophet will “deceive those who dwell upon the earth.” (Rev.13: 14). Of the false prophet, the Apostle Paul stated that he “is the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of satan, with all power & signs & false wonders, & with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved…” . (2 Thess.2: 9, 10).
* the false prophet will command “those who dwell upon the earth to make an image (a statue of himself) to the (1st) beast” (EU). (Rev.13: 14). This shows the unmatched dictatorial control of the false prophet over both the world’s people & the Euro-kingdom leaders themselves. The world’s people are the ones who construct (“make”) the statue. The purpose of making it “to” the 1st beast (the EU), reinforces “to” the EU leaders that the people’s allegiance towards the false prophet is even greater than the people’s allegiance towards the Euro-kingdom. (Rev.13:14).
*Even the EU leaders themselves will submit to the false prophet’s dictator- ship, making him the one who “excersises all the authority of the 1st beast (EU) .” (Rev.13:12). 

* the false prophet will “give breath” to the statue of himself. The statue will then, by satanic powers, come to life & publicly “speak” in order to “cause as many as do not worship the image (statue) of the beast (false prophet) to be killed.” (Rev.13:15).
* the “mark of the beast” will be enforced by the false prophet. During the great tribulation he will “provide that no one should be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark on their right hand or their fore- head.” (Rev.13:16). All levels of the world’s economy will be in his com- plete control, & based on a person’s acceptance of the “mark” .
(*Importantly, today in the body of Christ there exists an erroneous teaching that the “mark” is the number 666. As explained in Chapter 6 on the False Prophet, 666 was Nero’s number & is key in identifying the forthcoming false prophet‘s link to Rome & Caesar Nero. So, 666 has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the “mark of the beast”. But, the key to the “mark” (“scratching” in Greek) is that it will be either the “name” of the future false prophet “beast” (Rev.13:17), or the “number” of his name. (v.17). But, the ultimate safeguard will be the decision that having any kind of “mark” (like a tattoo or skin implant) placed on the “right hand or forehead” during the great tribulation, should be totally rejected. )
* All those on earth who receive the “mark”, “will also drink of the wine of the wrath of God…. & the smoke of their torment goes up forever & ever; & they have no rest day & night…..” . (Rev.14: 9-11). This will be the ultimate decision during the great tribulation. That is, to either reject the “mark” & accept Christ Jesus, or visa versa.
* 144,000 new believers will accept Jesus as the Messiah & will be divinely protected through this period, as oracles of God. (Rev.14: 1-5).
* the “eternal gospel” will be “preached to those who live on the earth, & to every nation & tribe & tongue & people.” (Rev.14: 6, 7).
* Many persons will be killed for their resistance to the mark of the beast & because of “their faith in Jesus”. (Rev.14:11-13). “Beheadings” will take place as a means for killing believers who resist the mark. (Rev.20:4).
* a “loathsome & malignant sore” will come upon those who receive the mark & who worship the statue of the false prophet. (Rev.16: 2).
* “every living thing in the sea will die”. (Rev.16:3).
* “rivers & springs of water will become blood”. (Rev.16:4).
* the sun will become so hot it “will scorch men with fire”. (Rev.16:8, 9).
* people will continue to curse God in their unrepentance. (Rev.16: 9).
* the Euphrates river will totally dry up in the Mideast. (Rev. 16:12).
* all of the world’s military armies will converge in the valley of Megiddo in the Mideast, including China (“kings from the east”). (Rev.16: 12, 16).
* the greatest earthquake in world history will occur, “such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake & so mighty.” (Rev.16:18). The whole earth will shake on its axis so that “every island & the mountains were not found….”. (Rev.16:20). It will cause the “cities of the nations to fall” & crumble, including Rome which will “split into 3 parts”. (Rev.16:19).
* a plague of “100 pound” hailstones will fall upon men in a “plague of hail”. (Rev.16:21).
* After splitting into 3 parts from world history’s most catastrophic earthquake, then the “great city” (Rome) will be destroyed in “1 day“ & “will be burned up with fire”, much like it did in the 1st century in 64 A.D. under Caesar Nero. (Rev.17:18; Rev.18: 8, 18).
* The world leaders & “kings of the earth” who still remain on earth will act- ually “weep & lament” over their witnessing of Rome’s burning. (Rev.18: 9, 10). Their loss of wealth & hope will have disappeared with the burning of Rome. (Rev.18:15).
* the whole “earth will be illumined with the glory” of an angel of God who descends from heaven (Rev.18:1) , during the last day(s) of the great tribulation, just before the glorious return of Christ. (Rev. 19:11).
On the final day of the great tribulation…. (Rev.19:11 - 20:3)
* The Euro-kingdom political leaders, the false prophet in the Jerusalem temple & all the “kings of the earth & their armies, will be assembled (in Megiddo) to make war against Him who sat upon the horse (Rev.19:11) , & against His army.” (Rev.19:19) .
* Christ’s awesome descension from the “opened” heaven on a white horse (Rev.19:11) along with “the armies (saints) which are in heaven following Him also on white horses” (Rev.19:14) will totally overwhelm the confrontation. Then, as the Lord approaches the earth from the heavens, all of these remaining evil-doers on earth who defy God will be “killed” (Rev.19:21) & will be thrown into the “lake of fire”. (Rev.19:20, 21) . Satan himself will be nabbed, bound & thrown into the abyss “for a 1000 years” . (Rev.20:1-3).
*Amazingly, even though numerous angels of God, like the “strong angel” Michael (Rev.10:1), are shown carrying out their divine assignments during the great tribulation, it only takes 1 un-named angel (Rev. 20: 1) from God’s entire countless host of angels, to yank the devil up, bind him & then “throw him into the abyss”. (Rev.20:3).