The Vatican Council of 1870 declared & the Vatican Council II of 1965 confirmed these following claims about the Pope (verbatim from VC II) :
“is SUPREME RULER of all Christians”
“is SUPREME JUDGE of all Christians”
“has absolute & full SUPREME power over the whole Christian church so
that all Christians may be taught & guided by him in the way of salvation”
“is father & teacher of all Christians”
“has full power of tending, ruling & governing the whole church”
“possesses infallability to define all doctrines concerning faith & morals to
be held by the whole church”
“alone, has the highest word of authority on earth & is not subject to revision by anyone”
“has SUPREME power & character which is supported by the clear
witness of Holy Scripture”
“has the sole power, that if anyone rejects him, or any Catholic
doctrine, that the Pope alone may pronounce that person anathema (accursed & eternally condemned)…..”
“has determined that no one can depart from the Catholic doctrine
without endangering his faith & salvation….” 
These famous Christian Leaders ALL AGREED that the Roman Papacy [pope of Rome] is the antichrist:
The Papacy (Pope) of Rome, and no other, exactly fulfills the profile of the End Time False Prophet who:
"looks like a lamb, but speaks as a dragon." [Rev.13:11] ,
"deceives those who dwell upon the earth" [Rev.13:14] and,
"exalts himself above every so-called God or object of worship..." [2 Thess.2:4]
Who does the pope (& hundreds of millions of his followers) think he is?
READ: Here is Wisdom [by chapter]
John Calvin, Sir Isaac Newton, John Wesley, John Wycliffe, John Knox, Charles Spurgeon, Charles Finney, D.L. Moody, William Tyndale, J.A. Wylie, Rev. Roger Williams, George Fox